Friday, 1 June 2012

Win with higher-priced quotes by knowing beforehand what facility managers think and want

How you can win with a more expensive cleaning quote simply by appearing to know EXACTLY what the prospective customer wants and needs

"Yeah," you think, "I know exactly what facility managers are thinking about cleaning and cleaning companies - I'm a professional and have YEARS of experience!"

I have no doubt you feel absolutely CERTAIN you know EXACTLY what they think. But the funny thing about certainty is that an awful lot of people have been very sure about being right in the past... and lived to suffer the consequences.

Certainty is actually just a FEELING, an emotion which we create ourselves. Being certain about something does not make it so. It just makes us FEEL BETTER in this world of uncertainty.

I definitely don't want to rob you of your certainties in life. 

But I would like to help you to realize a few additional things about this issue. Because the truth of the matter is, that when you DO know EXACTLY what facility managers are thinking, the solution to all your customer-related problems will immediately become evident.

Disbelieve it at your own risk.

So why not read this article to see what's what - Knowing beforehand what facility managers think and want

Hey, what have you got to lose - a few minutes at most?

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