Friday, 9 November 2012


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reserved. May not be copied or used without written permission.

Do you feel that you need a BREAK about NOW?

Running a cleaning service business these days can be quite a challenge. 

In the best of times the janitorial work involves many problems with personnel and customers (and customers' personnel!) on top of everything ELSE any business owner has to contend with in running their company.

In these hard economical times, good cleaning customers are few and far between.  

Everyone is economizing, cutting down, trying to get things even cheaper... and especially in cleaning work, this leads to where you have two choices - either you clean parts of their site for FREE or you clean too few times and too few hours to have a chance of keeping their space at an acceptable level of cleanliness.

It's not hard to see that this produces an automatic dead end for the customer relationship.  Contracts end quicker, the time we have with a customer is less positive with all the complaints and explanations going to and fro, and the end result can be an awful tiredness for you on top of the financial and emotional anxiety that this produces.

Now, you might find this hard to believe, but it is NOT necessary to go down that route.

But NOT every customer is the same.

I well understand if you feel a bit gloomy about it. But the truth is that our MIND tends to start generalizing when negative things keep happening. It is easier that way to live with all those bad news. We WANT to think that ALL customers are like that... although we know from our own experience that's not so.

 You, too, HAVE good customers.

So what's the difference? What makes one customer good to work with, and another a nightmare? Money? Profits? Manners? Or could it be that...


Copyright (c) 2012 HDK Consultants. All rights reserved.

APPRECIATION of your cleaning is the key to a good client relationship?

It is a well known fact that we all have a need for appreciation. You know that your cleaning crews need it, you can see other people around you wanting it.  

All of us enjoy having our work appreciated. 

After all, we work to HELP someone, not just to make money. If money was all we wanted, then we'd rob banks or do something UNhelpful to make it. 

The reason we don't is because we want to HELP our customers. Sure, money is involved and it is ONE of those elements of exchange with a client. But appreciation is another. Would you want to work for a customer who is clearly UNappreciative towards your services?

I think not. So truly, the KEY to finding good customers is to find those who naturally appreciate our services. OR those who can be made to SEE the value in what we do.

So how do you do that then? How do you "house train" a cleaning customer, a facilities manager, to SEE cleanliness?

Well, the answer to that we have put in a system that is now available for readers of my blog for a short while.

Have a look at the presentation of the Contract Cleaning Client-Acquisition System and if you have any questions, contact me.

This offer is really for my LinkedIn connections but I am showing it here for my blog readers as well. So have a look now, as this offer won't last long!     


P.S. Our domain name has changed, so just in case you happen to try to log onto any page on our blog that does not open, go to and see the link directory from there!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Some cleaning customers just cannot be pleased...

Tired of unappreciative contract cleaning customers?

Truth to tell, cleaning is one of this things which for some reason creates strong emotions in most people. 

Maybe it is because we hated to clean our rooms or help with tidying up as children and teenagers, or possibly it could be because as adults and living with a spouse, we often find ourselves arguing about the cleaning - who should do it, who should appreciate it more and whatnot.

Suffice to say that it is easy to see how hard it can be to please some customers. However well you clean, no matter how thorough you are and how polite while cleaning, inevitably there will be complaints. 

The old 20/80 rule tends to apply here as well: 80% of cleaning complaints come from 20% of the customers... and it usually is the SAME ones time again.

It comes as no surprise that these customers are often then ones that also make you work hardest for your money, driving a hard bargain and making your profits small... well, if indeed you MAKE any profit from them. 

Hopefully you do, but more often than not, if you really examine ALL costs and how much trouble they cause...

Choose your contract cleaning customers and make them SEE what they receive

It does not actually take that much to be able to CHOOSE your contract cleaning customers and find out whether or not they naturally appreciate your services. See, it's not really YOUR service that creates dissatisfaction but their dedication to FIND something to complain about that brings it about.

Sure, your cleaners make mistakes, but the truth is that those mistakes are usually quite hard to find. In fact, where they ARE consistently found (and even invented), someone in the customer company is working hard to find them.

The good news is that it is relatively SIMPLE to find already BEFORE YOU SIGN ON THE CLIENT and simply leave out those facility managers who are negative in their outlook towards cleaning companies. They will keep changing cleaners constantly anyhow, so you're not going to lose anything if you don't take them on - rather you will NOT lose as you save yourself from investing in a new site just to see them change soon again.

And IF the problem is in the their personnel - which is always a safe bet as SOMEONE there on the floor level of a company is BOUND to have issues about cleaners - then all you need is a tested and proven set of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION TOOLS to ensure these difficult staff members are duly tamed and house trained, if you excuse the expression.

To get more info on this, why not read the article "How to increase the satisfaction of customers toward contract cleaning services" from our website... it might give you exactly the tools to get rid of LOTS of problems and get more profits in!

Feel free to contact me if you have questions! 

P.S. Our domain name has changed, so just in case you happen to try to log onto any page on our blog that does not open, go to and see the link directory from there!